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Автор: EdwardNinly (18 ноября 2023 14:34)
20 gorgeous Christmas gifts year 2023 for employees.
1. Company time capsule >>> Not a gift to take home, but one with even more symbolic character. Each employee is allowed to put something in the time capsule, but the individual pieces remain secret. In 5 years the surprise will be even greater.https://amzn.to/499ZTtz 2. Personal donation budget >>> What"s nicer than receiving gifts? Give it yourself. Each employee receives a fixed amount that he or she can give away to a charitable organization of their choice. https://unicef-deutschland.de 3. Personalized bobbleheads >>> Bobbleheads are one of the most popular table decorations. However, if they are similar to the owner or based on a characteristic of the person (suitable superhero?), they become a real eye-catcher. https://amzn.to/3QA07Tm 4. Desk toys >>> The days when toys were reserved for hip start-ups are over. Nerf guns, stress balls or mini basketball hoops create a relaxed atmosphere in the office and ensure lots of fun during breaks. https://amzn.to/3FCc30K __5. Digital luggage scale luggage scale >>> Digital luggage scale with clear LCD display. The backlight makes weighing at night or in the dark easy and clear. (https://amzn.to/3QAnvQY) __6. Joint Christmas market tour >>> Hardly any event creates as much Christmas atmosphere as a tour of the Christmas market. If you also complete brilliant mini-games as a challenge, the trip is guaranteed to be a success. __7. Smartwatch for women and men >>> The watch appears to be of high quality, there are no defects even under the magnifying glass and is not higher than the old one, just bigger. So it fits well under work gloves or cycling gloves. (https://amzn.to/3FxhyOb) __8. Fitted sheet >>> The bed sheet is dimensionally stable, lint-free, absorbent, breathable, easy to iron, suitable for tumble drying and washable at 60 °C. The sheet is new, please wash separately before first use. (https://amzn.to/3tJLQdX) __9. Snack corner >>> It"s an open secret: snacks in the office are as important as your daily afternoon coffee. A snack corner, well filled with the staff"s favorites and a fixed quota per employee, lifts the mood. Guaranteed. (https://amzn.to/3sjI7mS) __10. Christmas photo box >>> (Almost) everyone loves photo boxes. Before Christmas, they create a festive atmosphere and create souvenirs that employees will cherish for a long time. Group cuddling is expressly encouraged. (https://amzn.to/3SiuRtn) __11. Office concert >>> No matter whether it"s a professional musician, the boss with the 20-year-old electric guitar or Karl from accounting with his harmonica. An office concert at Christmas creates a break from the often stressful Christmas business and you see your colleagues in a whole new light. __ 12. Tech gadgets >>> A classic Christmas gift for employees, and not without reason. Tech gadgets such as USB sticks, battery packs or noise-cancelling headphones are practical and popular with the workforce. (https://amzn.to/40uQ7hT) __13. Shared virtual games for remote teams >>> Your team works remotely and spends little time together outside of stressful meetings and meetings? Virtual games like our “Agents: Communication is Key” are an entertaining way for remote teams to come together and have fun with each other. (https://amzn.to/3FxmcvI) __14. Personalized notebook >>> Everyone knows the standard DIN-A4 pad from the company"s office supplies. A personalized notebook immediately takes on a different status and is a sign of appreciation. (https://amzn.to/49dqcPn) __15. Apple AirTag >>> Exact Search uses ultra-wideband technology to take you directly to your nearby AirTag (iPhone 11 or newer) (https://amzn.to/46NplDy) __16. Coffee mug?! >>> You might be thinking, Wait a minute, and that’s supposed to be creative? But the fact is: Hardly any other object is used and revered in offices as much as the coffee mug. And as a rule, these are of, to say the least, inferior quality. High-quality coffee mugs with insulation, personalized or with the company"s branding are guaranteed not to disappear in the drawer so quickly. (https://amzn.to/47bEJJR) __17. Eating with the Big Boss >>> The boss as cook and waiter in personal union? Sounds tempting. Whether it tastes good depends on the boss, but the reversal of the usual power imbalance is certainly well received. __18. Amazon vouchers >>> Freely redeemable vouchers for a more relaxed Friday are uncomplicated and popular. Longer lunch break? Home early? Who wouldn"t like that? (https://amzn.to/3tQjSgJ) __19. Office ceilings >>> There is no question that office spaces should always be comfortably heated. Unfortunately, this comfort zone varies from person to person. The chilblains among the workforce will be all the more happy about personal office blankets. Why not make the office a little more cozy? (https://amzn.to/49a7tEu) __20. A perfect Christmas party Christmas party with just one less beer for children>>> This much is certain: the feeling of appreciation among the employees depends on the quality of the Christmas party. A celebration worthy of the name is mandatory. We recommend as a basis: __Good food: Whatever tastes good is good, but tastes are different. Vegetarians or people with intolerances should definitely be taken into account. __An evening highlight: Every good Christmas party needs a highlight. E.g. the presentation of gifts. __Christmas party program: Without a supporting program it quickly becomes boring. Entertainment is a must. The possibility of dancing, karaoke or a challenge. Professional support can help with the Christmas party. __Additional extraordinary incentive that during the company party everyone involved forgoes a single beer and instead jointly donates a larger sum of money to UNICEF Germany (https:/ /unicef-deutschland.de/) donates. We hope that this step is also in your interest.____ We wish you and your family, your employees and colleagues a peaceful and contemplative Christmas and a successful start into the new year. With Christmas greetings Alexander von Beulwitz
Автор: Christinasord (18 ноября 2023 11:21)
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Автор: Christinavoni (18 ноября 2023 03:49)
Пpивет вceм, pебята! Я знаю, мoe cообщeниe может быть слишкoм кoнкрeтным,
Hо мoя сеcтpa нaшла xорoшeго мужчину, и они пожeнились, a как наcчет мeня?ǃ :)
Μнe 28 лет, Кpиcтинa, из Ρумынии, тaкжe знaю aнглийский и нeмецкий языки
И... у мeня cпецифичеcкoе забoлeвание, именуемoe нимфoманией. Kто знaeт, чтo это тaкoе, мeня пoймyт (лyчшe скaзaть срaзy)
Αx дa, я oчень вкycнo готoвлю! а я люблю нe только готовить ;))
Я наcтоящaя девyшка, не проститутка, ищу cерьeзныx и гopячих oтнoшeний...
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